My first assessment for this unit was designing a brochure for a client, real or fictional. As the election was projected to be held in late 2021 (at the time of assessment), I decided to make a brochure outlining my standpoint on the then current government, and advocating for the political party of my choice.
I decided to focus on three key topics that were in the public zeitgeist at the time, and break down data and opinion surrounding them. I decided to give the brochure an apolitical, factual aesthetic to make it visually informative rather than persuasive, and to keep the aesthetic clean and simple, so anybody with any levels of vision would be able to read and understand it.
My second assessment was to design a website for a client. I decided to keep with my political subject matter, and create a website for a fictional independent candidate for the electorate of Fairfax on the Sunshine Coast.
I decided to focus on issues pertinent to the region, and present my fictional candidate as capable and willing to address them directly. The structure of the website was kept simple and easy to navigate, with a friendly tone and aesthetic that kept the candidate visually distinctive from any of the major parties.
My focus was on presenting a personal, down-to-earth appeal that made this candidate feel like a genuine person. By combining effective design with effective corporate writing, I was able to emotionally and factually appeal to the people of the Fairfax electorate, and present a convincing argument for an independent alternative for the region.

I'm happy to say both of my assessments scored a 7, and my tutor noted my website as being one of the best that she had seen.